Monday, November 2, 2009

Not Me!

Its that time again... Monday..

I did not freak out when I saw snow falling on the ground this past Wednesday. And I did not drive 20 mph the whole way to work because I was freaked out that snow was falling. And I did not get honked at at least 10 times either. And I definitely did not make a left turn on a street covered completely with Ice only to then Run into a curb. And I did not say a few choice words to the sky and to my brother who was not laughing at my driving skills.. or lack there of.. And I did not take it to a auto shop only to be told that I did not bend my control arm and ball joint and they did not tell me it would cost $785.. No way.. Not me.. I always drive great even when it snows. I did not dress up as Batgirl and wanted to go trick or treating on Halloween.. Nope Im to old for that.. What adventures can I get myself into this week???

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