Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Awkward Allen Has Just Entered the Building Everyone!

This one is short....

I met a guy at work a few months back and we hit it off really well, well for the most part. We didnt ever really hang out outside of my work but regardless he got my phone number and I was exctied to actually met a normal guy. A few days past and he finally called and asked me to hang out (maturity was apparent because he called and not text me). I agreed to hang out and we decided on dinner at his place with his roommate and him, they were cooking a ham. Did I mention this ham was sent and I quote "from momma Smith" (please note last name was changed for privacy purposes) And did I also mention that "Daddy Smith" was a big time lawyer? Yes so far he had alot going for him, He was in school AND he had a job. All seems like its going great right? Right.. Kinda.. Except for when I arrived at his house to eat, he really didn't ask me any questions about me and I found myself asking most if, not all the questions.. even to his roommate.. So you know what ever I was relaxed and did most the asking no big deal.. we watched a movie.. he attempted to hold my hand.. Kinda.. All in All, there wasn't any thing bad that happened but there also wasn't anything.. well exciting.. at all.. I felt like I was hanging out with a cousin or something.. It was just really weird. So I left feeling... bored.. and went on with my life with the famous last words from his mouth Ill give you a call tomorrow proceed with awkward hug and BAM getting in my car and turning on the radio was the most exciting part of the whole 4 hours I spent that night. And Get this, I know totally Shocking, he never called.. And this is the sad part. I didn't even notice till 4 days later when someone asked me... Anyway I never really thought twice about him, he stopped coming into work so I figured you know there just wasn't chemistry right? And Not even a week ago he shows up to my work, sits down and talks about himself the whole time and then when he was getting ready to leave he says this "alright well Im leaving.. you still have my number right? and normally, and when I say normally I mean if I wasnt so bitter towards the naive-ness of the male species lately, I would have been so nice and made up some stupid excuse as to why I no longer have his number, but I mean I havent been normally lately so I straight up said.. No.. I deleted it... and his response? haha well it went like this wow... rude.. well ok... and I replied like this what? I havent seen or heard from you in 3 months and you expect me to keep your number?? and he said.. right.. well.. ill shoot you a text then with my number.. bye and I simply and so kindly (and with a smile) said.. Im sure you will .. and I felt so much better.

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